Saturday, August 6, 2011


It's been HOT...and I mean HOT. The type of hot that makes you crazy. The kind of hot that makes you do laundry in the dead of night. The kind of hot that keeps you cooped up inside, day after scorching day. The kind of hot that starts to make you crazy. The kind of HOT that makes a McDonald's play land seem like a welcoming oasis in a desert.

Today was the day I had finally HAD IT. I was almost in tears as I saw the mercury rise steadily...again. It was to hot to cook, and the boys had SO much energy to burn, so I took them to the Oasis of McDonald's for dinner tonight. As we all four squeezed around a table for two and ate our meals, I saw it. Lightning...and some clouds. The clouds kept coming. The wind picked up. And it started. Just a few drops on the windows...then a few more. Soon it was raining so hard that water started flowing under the emergency exit doors and into the play land.

An idea formed in my head, and before I could logic my way out of it. I herded the boys out of the play land and into the fairly empty parking lot. Rain was pouring out of the sky, huge puddles formed and rivers of water were racing down towards the street. I threw my purse in the car and told the boys..."Let's play in the Rain!!"

Their eyes widened and smiles flashed across their faces. We raced and ran and splashed and giggled. People in the safety of the dry McDonald's watched us, but I didn't care. I was sharing a moment with my boys. I was feeling the coolness of the rain. I was enjoying the small break in this horridly hot summer.

As we drove home, almost cold as the air conditioned air hit our wet skin and clothes, my heart was filled with joy. I could see the boys smiles in the rear view mirror. I could almost see God's smile and He looked down on us.