Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Theology 101 in the minivan

Apparently, my boys have decided that our trips around town are now a mobile theology class.  During our most recent trip to the store, I was posed with several of the following questions:

      " Did God make Satan?"

     " If Satan used to be an angel, and he got kicked out of heaven, how come God       didn't just destroy him?"

      "If God made Satan, does that mean God made sin?"

      "Can Satan say He's sorry to God and go back to heaven?"

These are tough questions to answer on the way to Wal-Mart.  But, I love that my boys are eager to know more about scripture. Eager to understand.  Unafraid to ask questions.    I may not have all the answers, but I love the discussions.  I love the way their minds work.  I love the innocence in their questions.  

It's easy as a Mom, to get in the van and let everyone get lost in electronics. Be it my cell phone, the ipad, the radio or a video.  I've been known to put my earphones in at times, just to drown out the NOISE.  Recently, during our drives around town,  I've turned everything off and really tried to engage my kids.  I'm discovering that with my little captive audience, we can tackle some huge issues.  I pray we can continue these conversations and that they will serve as a bridge for communication in the teen years that will be here before I know it.   


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Of Basketball and Perseverence

Caleb is small.  He stands a full head and shoulders shorter than most of his peers.  He's 8 years old and still barely tips the scales at 45 pounds.  He's playing basketball again this year.  But, this year, they raised the baskets.  Last year, they were lowered for his age group..but now he's in the next age group and the hoop looms so far above his head.  Try as he might, he can't make a basket.  His team mates shoot lay- up after lay-up and they fall through the net with that satisfying "swoosh".  Caleb can't get it anywhere near the basket.  His past coaches have always been really sensitive to Caleb, his size and personality.  This year, it's more competitive and the coaches are more focused and more competitive as well.  When it's Caleb's turn to play, his team mates don't throw him the ball, and the coaches give each other the "look" when Caleb is on the floor.  You know the one.  The one that says.."I wish he was on the bench".  Caleb has returned from every practice and every game in tears.  He knows that his team mates ignore him and he can sense his coaches opinion of him.  He tries, but ends up in tears.

As a Mom, this is hard to watch.  I've had to swallow that lump in my throat when I see it happening and cheer loudly from the sidelines.  I have struggled with the temptation to pull him off the team.  Yet, leaving the team is not the answer.  Helping Caleb learn resiliency and determination are the key to getting through this season.  Pointing his tender heart towards Jesus, and letting Him know that He is loved and believed in, not just by his Mom and Dad, but by his heavenly Father. Helping him know that his acceptance is not based on his performance, is going to be key. 

So often in life, when it gets hard, we want to quit.  When we feel like we are in an impossible situation, we want to walk away.  But that is not the answer.  If quitting when treated unfairly was the answer, Jesus would  never have made it to the cross.  Our loving heavenly Father, sometimes allows us to be in difficult situations.  He does that not because he likes seeing us struggle, but because He knows those struggles will shape our character and if we let them will draw us to Him.  So, instead of quitting, we get back on the court, we do our best.  We look to Jesus for our sense of identity and we keep going.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Broken Record and the Art of Waiting

I have not blogged much in the past couple years.  I love the art of blogging, but so much of what I was dealing with, or processing, made me feel like a broken record.  I think many of us have been in a time of waiting, where we feel like we bring the same requests to God, and we know cognitively that He hears us.  But, the void of unanswered prayers looms before us and we wait some more.  I guess it's not really unanswered prayers..but the feeling of such.  He is always answering, always communicating and is always faithful.

It's been in this time, these months and years of waiting, that I have had to learn what it really means to TRUST.  I've always trusted God, I mean, He's always been faithful.  I've seen him work over and over in my 30+ years of being His child.   I KNOW He has my best interests at heart.  I know He loves me more than I can possibly imagine.    It's just the land of waiting that is hard.  It's then when the enemy can creep in and attack what I KNOW to be true.  It's when I can here the enemy whisper lies to me like.." Sure God is good...but He's being mean.."

 It's in the land of waiting, where I can spiral down into doubt, fear, anxiety. the land of waiting is where I have learned some amazing things about the character of my heavenly Father.  I have learned to battle Satan in ways I have never had to.  I've learned to run to the Scriptures, not just to have "devotions/quiet times", but to literally to lap up strength.  I've had mornings where in the shower I have had shouted scripture to fight off the exhausting work of waiting and the depression that I can sink into.  I have learned to fill my home with worship.  When I feel the cold strands of fear and worry start to creep in, I crank up the worship tunes and fill my heart and mind with HIS praises.

It's been about 6 years of waiting and yearning and leaning into what Monty and I believe is HIS calling on our lives.  We see a possible answer to our time of waiting on the horizon.  We rejoice in that, but we also know better than to but our trust in what "might be".  Instead we both are leaning into Jesus, surrendering our dreams to HIM..

God could say no, He could close this door that seems to be cracking open.  My job is to "Wait patiently for the Lord" and know that HE HAS HEARD MY CRY!  So, even if this door closes, my heart will be sad, but I Will not be shaken.  I will just burrow closer to His heart and wait for what's next!

Psalms 40:1-3

I waited patiently for the Lord;

    he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
    and put their trust in him.