Friday, June 28, 2013

Blessed be Your Name...

Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. Our new home. At this moment, I'm sitting in our hotel that has been our home for the past two and a half weeks. Our home on post will be ready in a few days. My mind and heart are so full. We are so incredibly blessed to be here. After the long journey of LIMBO, waiting, hoping and the many months (years) of praying for an open door, we are here, in a position that we could only have dreamed of.  God truly is the only one who can receive the glory. This is "All Him".  We are humbled beyond measure and we are truly living in the space of answered prayer.

 This journey as not looked like we thought it would. It has not gone as "smoothly" as it has for many. But, I can only think that God does these things so that we can glorify HIM. So we can give testimony to HIM. It is only because of HIM that we are here. We could not have opened this door, no matter how hard or how long we pounded on it. God had to do HIS time and in HIS way.

The other day, JD and I were at a park on post, I stopped him and had him look around. I reminded him of all the times we prayed that God would open a door for "Daddy to be a Chaplain at an army base". I said

 "JD, look around..we are living answered prayers!" "We are living in a miracle!"

This journey, has been long. However, it has been blessed. Even in the waiting, we were blessed. The timing of God's answers may have seemed long in coming...but the time was far from wasted. I am richer for the time I spent with my dear friends in Oklahoma. My heart will be forever linked to those who walked with us in that season. God does not waste a moment. He does not waste an experience. He does not waste a relationship. We have learned that God intends to bring glory out of any situation. He gives and he takes away...Blessed be the name of the Lord!